Identifying Problems

NextGen Leaders takes a proactive approach in identifying the underlying issues that perpetuate Child Labor. We conduct extensive studies and surveys to gather data on the prevalence, nature, and drivers of child labor in different regions. The most important part of our work is engaging with local communities to gain insights into the challenges they face, listening to their stories, and understanding the socioeconomic dynamics that lead to child labor. 

Fostering Partnerships

We recognize that the fight against child labor is a shared responsibility that requires a united front. We believe that by joining forces with various stakeholders - from local communities to international organizations - we can amplify our impact and bring about sustainable change. We work closely with local governments and authorities to ensure that our interventions align with and support national policies and legal frameworks. We also engage with other NGOs and local activism bodies, combining our resources and expertise to tackle child labor more effectively.

Implementing Solutions

Our work begins with the urgent rescue of children from exploitative conditions, followed by comprehensive rehabilitation involving shelter, healthcare, and counseling. Central to our mission is the empowerment of these children through education and skill development, providing them with the tools to escape the cycle of poverty. Our efforts extend beyond on-the-ground work to advocacy and awareness campaigns, aiming to influence policy and public opinion.

“There is no trust more sacred than the one the world holds with children. There is no duty more important than ensuring that their rights are respected, that their welfare is protected, that their lives are free from fear and want and that they can grow up in peace.” - Kofi Annan